Stefano Brusoni
Professor of Technology
and Innovation Management
Co-Director EMBA - ETH Zurich
and University of
St.Gallen (embaX)
As a Professor of Technology and Innovation Management at D-MTEC, Stefano’s work focuses on the analysis of the obstacles to innovation and change, at the individual and organizational level. He got his PhD in Science and Technology Policy studies from the University of Sussex, UK where he went on to work as a postdoctoral fellow before becoming an Assistant Professor at Bocconi University, Italy. Prior to his doctoral studies, he enjoyed studying economics, history and being engaged in a variety of odd jobs, including a memorable stint as a firefighter, in the mid-1990s.
Stefano is a member of the Academy of Management and Strategic Management Society. He was elected for leadership roles in both. He is currently Program Chair for the Behavioural Strategy IG of the Strategic Management Society. He was Chair for the Technology and Innovation Management Division of the Academy of Management between 2015 and 2020 and member of the Executive Board of the Strategy Division (STR) from 2013 to 2015. He is part of the Good Scientific Practice committee of ETH Zürich, as well as Director of Studies at D-MTEC since 2018.
Stefano’s main research interest is understanding the ability of (some) organizations and individuals to introduce innovations in a routine way. More specifically, he studies the strategic implications of choices in product and organizational architectures. Recently, he has become very interested in understanding the possible applications of neurosciences to management research. He has several papers in various journals, and also two start-ups (Spark Works and Sparkademy).