Structured dynamic conversation and brainstorming that will address the challenges and possible approaches to building the workforce of the future

17-Jan-2018 15:10 - 16:45

How do we imagine the workforce of the future – creative, visionary, risk-taking, empathetic, and always learning? Join us in an interactive World Cafe where you will have the opportunity of exploring HR pathways leading into the future. Four rounds of table discussions (aligned with the 1-to-3 meetings) will take place. Participants will be mingling, switching tables periodically, while a “table host” will introduce newcomers to the previous discussions. For more information on the method, click here - \  
  1. What will the workforce of the future look like and how will the changes affect HR professionals?
  2. How should the HR and L&D processes, systems, and services be revolutionised to adapt to the workforce of the future?
  3. How can we work together in order to prepare the organisation and its leadership for the future?


Alex Glod
Co-Founder, Stai Să-ți Povestesc
The leaders and innovators of tomorrow are people who embrace vulnerability, dare to be authentic, believe in the power of their stories, and have a strong drive to positively impact the world around them. Alex has dedicated his career to..
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