Alex Glod
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The leaders and innovators of tomorrow are people who embrace vulnerability, dare to be authentic, believe in the power of their stories, and have a strong drive to positively impact the world around them. Alex has dedicated his career to educating and empowering such individuals by developing crucial skills such as Storytelling, Leadership, Creativity and Emotional Intelligence. Over the past seven years he has worked with businesses, NGOs, and individuals from all across Europe to make their organisations more open, human and purpose-driven. He has stepped twice onto the TEDx stage and is a strong proponent of bridging the gaps between people through the power of personal stories. He is also a successful online instructor on Udemy with over 5,500 online students.
During the MERIT Summit, Alex will host the World Cafe on the Workforce of the Future and will give you the spark and the stories required to start a fiery conversation about the future of education and developing the skills of the future.