Accelerating Product Innovation

17-Jan-2018 10:10 - 10:20

This talk will outline the four core questions of product innovation that every product manager needs to understand in order to effectively design, build, and manage innovative products and services. It will also explore the Berkeley Executive Education approach to helping organisations accelerate innovation and touch on the role of culture as an innovation imperative. You will learn from research done by Berkeley Haas faculty and the experience of its Innovation Acceleration Group delivering large scale 6-8 month innovation transformation programmes at companies such as Bosch, Caterpillar, Intel, and HP.


Michael Hennon
Vice President Sales & Marketing, Berkeley Executive Education
Michael Hennon is the VP of Sales & Marketing at Berkeley Executive Education. He is a graduate of the Berkeley Haas School of Business Executive MBA programme, where he focused on Design Thinking and Innovation. He also has an MA degree in..
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