IE University: Eye in the Storm: Your Role in Climate Change Action

24-May-2024 10:10 - 10:55

Eye In the Storm is a three-tier immersive experience into climate change mitigation and adaptation. When joining the face-to-face session, the students will have traveled through an emotional, overwhelming, and personal experience in the midst of a hurricane using a VR headset. They will have also worked, either individually or collectively, as one of five key decision-makers in the conversation for climate change through a multimedia material, which should have prepared him for a role-based class discussion on action against climate change. This material leverages VR immersion to spark empathy and engagement, followed by a roleplaying activity that places students in the perspective of key decision-makers in the conversation for climate change. This material is the solution for any classroom that wants to reignite the conversation on how to collaborate to solve one of humanity’s biggest challenges. The whole Eye in the Storm experience shows students that climate change is a collective action challenge that should not be approached only from a local or sectoral perspective. The key learning objective is learning how to master complexity as to climate action, and therefore learn that uncertainty and complexity need to be embraced to progress towards more robust and resilient solutions.