Our Emotional Brain at Work

17-Jan-2018 17:00 - 18:30

Most of our problems in and out of the workplace arise because our bodies and minds are overexposed to a real or imagined threat. Leaders need to help their employees notice, understand, and regulate their response to the threat in order to stay centred when experiencing, for example, workload pressure, performance anxiety, disruptive global trends, team conflict, or rapid change. Research shows that self-compassion triggers neurological activity in our ‘safe brain’ that restores emotional equilibrium. By cultivating our safe brain we increase individual and group resilience and with it, the potential to thrive and succeed in today’s VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) environments. This workshop will help you discover how our emotional brain guides our thoughts and actions and in particular how threat-based emotions impact our life and work. You will have the opportunity to practice cultivating your ‘safe brain’ capabilities, which includes managing the ‘inner critic’ and cultivating self-compassion.


Nelisha Wickremasinghe
Senior Client Director , Saïd Business School, University of Oxford
Nelisha Wickremasinghe is a psychologist, entrepreneur, educator and international leadership/organisational change consultant who has worked in the field of human development for 25 years. She has postgraduate degrees in psychology and family..
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