25 Jan, Thursday, 16:00 CET

We invite you to start the new year positively and intentionally with a focus on mindful time management to help set you and your people for success in 2024 and beyond.

You want your people to be healthy — physically and mentally. Yet we are all at the beck and call of countless demands, online and offline, feel inundated and overwhelmed and aren’t able to find the space and time to look after ourselves properly.

You want your people to shape their own career arcs. You want them to have the freedom to seize on opportunities, including the startling technological developments of our time. But important, life-changing intentions often give way to non-stop, urgent requests.

In this free MERIT webinar tailored for HR and People leaders, Marc Zao-Sanders, will talk about a simple yet overlooked practice that:

  • reduces stress and doubles productivity

  • enables smarter thinking and states of flow

  • helps us lead the chosen, cherished lives we long for, at home and at work. 


This practice is timeboxing. And we all already do it, to some extent.

Join us for a talk and Q&A session with Marc Zao-Sanders, author of the new book Timeboxing - The Power of Doing One Thing at a Timelaunching in January 2024, and learn what timeboxing is, why it's crucial for managers, discover its six key benefits, start right away, and witness the overwhelming evidence that it works.


Speakers , January 2024

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