Leveraging Talent to Adapt to Business Needs: Addressing the Soft Skills Gap


12 Sep, Thursday, 08:15 AM CET

Apart from all the digital topics that are currently of such relevance we should not forget the most important thing, the thing that makes us human beings – the social skills. Especially in organisations, in teams, and as individuals, it becomes clear again and again how important the soft skills component is. It makes up our relationships, determines our work processes through technological change, and how we work together in networks. Soft skills and social roles are essential factors determining future viability and success, given shifting business demands and the impact of emerging technologies on job roles and responsibilities.

In this interactive masterclass Helga Pattart-Drexler, head of Executive Education at WU Executive Academy, will approach the following questions: 

- How can we develop and use the soft skills of our human asset? 
- How can we put teams together and analyse what competencies they already have/still need?
- How can we become aware of our own soft skills and define our strengths?

Speakers Vienna , September 2019


Das Studio im2ten


Floßgasse 9, 1020 Wien

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